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2019-06-30: CTB.KU.Edu >>The Community Tool Box is a free, online resource for those working to build healthier communities and bring about social change. It offers thousands of pages of tips and tools for taking action in communities.

2019-06-26: Twitter.com/Patrick_T_Ander/status/1143989468216483840
We must use property ownership to reduce token-flow (use-value), not to increase token-flow (exchange-value).
Rent and profit do not exist when you own the sources because you need the product.
The Apple tree owner does not buy Apples, he owns them without purchase.

2019-06-26: Twitter.com/Patrick_T_Ander/status/1143987420683067392
I worry

seems to view debt as a solution:
"Affordable home loans"
"Microloans for individual water and sewage improvements"

and promotes exchange-value instead of use-value
"investment advice for local teachers"
"share earnings from natural resources"

2019-06-26: Twitter.com/Patrick_T_Ander/status/1143960111527804928
Funny thing is, rent will take all $1000 for most,
yet rent is $0 when occupier is owner (without mortgage),
so why not use the billions to buy land outright to solve the problem permanently and avoid the needless flow of tokens?

2019-06-24: Twitter.com/Patrick_T_Ander/status/1143376741211107328
Imagine a #PrivateCity fully owned by those citizens, with vote weighted by the amount they own *but* when they own more than they use, most of the rent, interest or profit they collect must be treated as that payer’s investment - as a variation on the #HenryGeorge #LVT

2019-06-20: Statebox.org >>Statebox is building a formally verified process language using robust mathematical principles to prevent errors, allow compositionality and ensure termination. In addition, the language is visual and allows one to inspect the flow of the program as it is executing. These properties make Statebox suitable for distributed systems, blockchains, workflow management systems, application orchestration and system architecture.

2019-06-20: github.com/open-esq >>Ξ Pragmatic Solidity Solutions for LegalEngineering Ξ

2019-06-20: NESTA.org.uk/blog/exploring-how-crowdfunding-can-enable-new-models-community-investment-governance-and-ownership

2019-06-20: ThrivingResilience.org >>Thriving Resilience is a two-word label for thriving, resilience, justice, peace, wisdom, health, sustainability, security, and other whole community visions. Thriving resilient communities grow and recover from problems, like climate change and natural disasters, to be stronger than they were before.

2019-06-18: MediaTheoryJournal.org/laura-lotti-blockchain-affordances >>The Art of Tokenization: Blockchain Affordances and the Invention of Future Milieus
>>>artistic approaches to tokenization can illuminate new aspects of the affordances of these technologies, toward the disintermediation of art production and its networked value from the current institutional-financial milieu

2019-06-18: HackerSpaces.org >>Hackerspaces are community-operated physical places, where people share their interest in tinkering with technology, meet and work on their projects, and learn from each other.

2019-06-18: "'New time-banking system utilizes blockchain tech to measure one's value to society'" -- TechXplore.com/news/2019-06-time-banking-blockchain-tech-society.html

2019-06-17: Forensic-Architecture.org

2019-06-12: Twitter.com/Patrick_T_Ander/status/1138962913547284480
Hi all,
Could use some help developing the #ForProduct #BusinessModel to regain #GroupControl of #SocialProduction through ownership of physical #PrivateProperty constrained by #SmartContracts implementing a #FreeAsInFreedom #TradeAgreement from patterns found in the #GNUGPL🤓🧐

2019-06-12: Defining the For Product model at LeanStack.com/app/projects/471143/canvases/568658

2019-06-12: LinkedIn.com/in/wu12345

2019-06-12: Sourcerers.io >> Building Decentralized Business Models    Strategic advisory services for blockchain-based projects

2019-06-11: Henry started UsuryRehab.Weebly.com

2019-06-10: "Inclusive Housing Innovation" -- HackerNoon.com/the-field-of-inclusive-housing-innovation-a-rocketship-youve-been-ignoring-d689f8ce0ec2

2019-06-09: HousingInnovationChallenge.com >>Join the movement to combat and prevent homelessness in LA County.

ft² coin is a title of ownership over some real estate.
ft³ coin includes rights to air-space, minerals, water.

2019-06-06: I resonate with some of this: Wiki.HackerSpaces.org/User:Average/Business_Plan