2019-08-30: Rewrote Earth Change prepping for the Food Sovereignty call on Monday.
2019-08-28: Minimum Viable Prototype for pad.disroot.org/p/DAOfoodnotes
The scale of pilot project should probably be around
100 acres of land, 100 investors of money and 100 investors of work.
For example:
$1,850,000 for 250 acres at LandAndFarm.com/property/Meadowview_Ranch-9373344
There are 43,560 ft² in every acre, so:
250 * 43560 = 10890000 ft²
That's $7,400 per acre,
or about $1 per 5 ft²
which is 20¢ per ft².
If we mint ⬜ representing 1 ft² of land,
and if we can sell some ⬜ for $1,
we have 80¢ to buy tools,
other startup supplies,
or ft² for workers.
2019-08-28: CoinTelegraph.com/explained/tokenization-explained
"'Remember our COW token? Let’s apply the Howey Test here.
It is being sold as an investment opportunity. Investors do rely on you, as the farm’s owner, to keep it profitable and ideally not run it into the ground. Are profits expected to be made? Sure, why else would investors buy a token named COW?'"
2019-08-28: MIT.edu/~tknight/IJDC >>Shape grammars were invented over twenty-five years ago by Stiny and Gips. They were one of the earliest algorithmic systems for creating and understanding designs directly through computations with shapes, rather than indirectly through computations with text or symbols.
Reminds me of BreckyUnits.com
2019-08-28: Video call with LinkedIn.com/in/auryn-macmillan-009a3991
2019-08-27: Tokenized.com
2019-08-27: build.colony.io/t/connecting-daos-to-the-real-world/37
2019-08-27: chat.holochain.org/appsup/channels/app-housing-economy
2019-08-27: Some of the troubles with representive governance at github.com/ethberlinzwei/Find-A-Team/issues/37
. Buy future products.
. Commit to work in the future.
. Pay profit while buying surplus.
2019-08-26: ⬜ is a coin backed by land held for product.
2019-08-26: Answers for pad.disroot.org/p/DAOfoodnotes
> For you to continue your work on this subject, what topic holds priority for you?
A way turn the value people can commit toward future products
into the property and promises required for that production.
> What other critical issues do you suggest we explore?
This only covers the economic part of the problem.
We also need to gather the vast information about
the details of permaculture, solar-aware housing,
low-tech energy solutions and many other physical
limitations or difficulties encountered when trying
to organize humans to share sources and skills.
> What networks or organizations are your affiliated with who have relevance to this subject? (Include a link)
> Do you have a theory of change for this subject?
I do not have this written.
> Would you like to present/share your ideas in a community call sometime?
> What platforms or tools do you currently use for remote collaboration and driving action between contributors? (eg. Alchemy)
Email: Patrick.T.Anderson@gmail.com
Telegram: patrick_t_anderson
Diary: Product-Futures-Foundation.github.io/-diary.htm
> What potential sources of funding do you see available for this project and/or associated DAO projects?
Workers and other consumers who need access to affordable organic solutions.
> What is the issue or opportunity a DAO is trying to adress?
An easy way for people to buy and sell future goods and services
to fund the land and tools and work required for that production
in a semi-continuous way so those groups can manage those assets.
> Why is a DAO the most appropriate solution for this issue?
A DAO can hide the complexity of organizing that production
while allowing users to retain full control of that production.
> How is a DAO a more appropriate solution than what people have tried and tested so far (in addressing the issue)?
We could do this with paper instead of computers,
using a property registry to record land ownership,
a work roster to record task assignments and completions,
and (optionally) a ticket system to represent future goods and services.
> What are aspects of the solution that other approaches to solving the issue strong on where a DAO is weak?
The paper solution is possible even during extreme isolation or poverty.
> What are the positive consequences of a DAO being implemented for this purpose?
We regain control of the production of our basic necessities,
and so create a real alternative to buying from corporations
that act in unsocial ways.
> What are the negative consequenes (intended and possilby unintended) of implementing a DAO in this context?
We may lose control of the system and accidentally empower
an even more destructive grouping strategy.
> What are the values that you would like to see embedded in this particular DAO implementation?
Local control meant to reduce pollution and other externalities.
> How are those values tranlsated into systems and processes that are aligned with those values?
When you co-own the productive assets, you care about how they are treated.
To further localize production we could make the DAO 'default' to buying land nearest to that user's location.
> What are particular aspects of the designed system that evidenlty demonstrate embeddedness of those values?
Treating profit as the payer's investment causes all users to incrementally gain ownership in the sources of the products they use.
When users own property because they need the product,
they do not benefit during market scarcity,
so have no incentive to destroy surplus
and can generally ignore market price.
When workers trade work before production begins,
they seek permanent solutions and try to minimize work.
> What are the intentions of possible contributors to the DAO development?
The 3 primary contributors are:
1. Those buying *future* goods and services with traditional money.
2. Those offering *future* goods and services as work commitments.
3. Those buying *surplus* goods and services with traditional money or with work commitments.
> What are the motivations of possible contributors to the DAO develpment?
Food, housing, sanitation, clothing, health-care and other things they need.
> What are the boundaries (domain) of this emergent process? (ie. who participates? who is a stakeholder? where does it start and end?)
Anyone can participate by committing either money or work.
It starts when people start prepaying for future products.
It ends (should stop growing) when everyone has enough property ownership to control the production they need.
> What makes us the right group to take this forward?
You are focused on the food problem which central to this solution.
> Are you looking for a community of practice, a working group, a network, or another form of collaborative organizing?
I don't know enough about the differences to choose.
2019-08-26: Video call with https://help.colony.io/hc/en-us/profiles/378760718914-Auryn
2019-08-22: Miro.com
2019-08-22: CoMakery.com
2019-08-22: github.com/ethberlinzwei/Find-A-Team/issues/36
2019-08-22: LandAndFarm.com/property/Meadowview_Ranch-9373344
2019-08-20: 🌽🌾🌿🍄🍅🍆🍇🍈🍉🍊🍋🍌🍍🍎🍏🍐🍑🍒🍓
Playing with unicode and fonts in Emacs.
2019-08-19: github.com/ethberlinzwei/Find-A-Team/issues/23
- [ ] _Who you are_:
Patrick T Anderson, C/C++ developer turned to a life of economic hackery :)
- [ ] _What you do_:
Similar to how the GNU GPL uses Copyright to enforce Copyleft,
I have been developing a Terms of Operation
using Property Rights to enforce Property Left
to secure User Freedom in the Material World.
- [ ] _What brings you to ETHBerlin_:
I wasn't able to attend ☹
## Idea description
_What is your idea? Give as many details as you possibly can._
The idea is to use private property ownership to regain control of physical production for our mutual benefit to achieve what governments and businesses fail to deliver.
Search real estate listings to meet the many requirements such as minimum size, maximum price, fitness for permaculture, zoning restrictions, water rights, mineral rights, taxes, fees, etc.
Start crowdfunding *pre*-campaign to ask workers and other investor where they prefer to build.
Finalize parcel selection and mint Source Titles against each ft².
Start real crowdfunding campaign and begin selling Source Titles to workers and other investors.
Reach some agreement over general structure of the city such as a central meeting place, major roads, nature preserves, strict borders, pollution restrictions, and any other constraints this group may decide to enforce upon itself.
Purchase land, tools and startup supplies, including primary bulk food ingredients such as bushels of grains, legumes, raw potatoes, bales of herbs and spices etc. to cook large, cheap but nutritious shared meals and begin soap and cloth making.
Workers may move onsite immediately, but may need to use tents, cafeteria style dining and temporary sanitation facilities while the first shared structures are built and support systems are established.
. Money becomes Sources: Consumers gain sources when they buy future products.
. Promises become Sources: Workers gain sources as they fulfill work promises.
. Sources become Product: Owners of sources are also owners of future products.
. Profit becomes Sources: Consumers gain sources when they buy surplus products.
### Money becomes Sources
Similar to crowdfunding, consumers prepay for future products with traditional money, but instead of just receiving one round of production, they become the real property owners of the land and tools that will be purchased for that production.
These investors take risk to *avoid* paying the profit they would otherwise pay when buying that product on the open market.
### Promises become Sources
Every worker is a consumer who needs source ownership for the same reasons.
Workers gain immediate access to sources which vest as work is complete.
Vested sources become collateral to access even more valuable sources.
### Sources become Product
Source owners accept the product itself as the direct and natural return on investment, and so do not sell or buy the finished product (except surplus as explained below).
>>Just as the owner of a tree owns all of that fruit,
>>each co-owner of an orchard owns his portion of that fruit.
The price each pays as a consumer is exactly the costs each paid as an source owner while the final sale is eliminated, leaving profit undefined.
Instead of selling the product to another consumer, the product has been pre-distributed to the consumer who predicted they would need it. There is no sale because it is already the individuated property of that consumer+owner.
This allows these groups to operate at zero profit even while all shareholders remain satisfied. The numeric return is approximately the same as a For Profit investment but inverted in that the shareholder *avoids* paying profit for that product.
This is a generalization of economic imputation.
### Profit becomes Sources
Any owner may sell surplus product and even collect profit, but some of that profit must be invested for that very same paying user to buy newly issued Source Titles, or to buy Source Titles being offered for sale by other owners.
This causes all users to incrementally gain the property ownership in the sources required to finally also control the production they need and receive those products at cost.
## Skillset
_What skills do you need, or think you might need to implement the idea?_
- [ ] Core Blockchain Development (Go, C++, Rust)
- [X] Smart Contracts (Solidity, Vyper)
- [X] DApps, Web3.JS (JavaScript, CSS)
- [ X] Design, User Experience
- [ X] Project Management
- [ X] Game theory
- [ X] Permaculture
- [ X] City Planning
- [ X] Token Ethics
## Communication
_Consider leaving your personal Riot/Status address so that the team can contact you off GitHub._
- [X] _Riot handle_: patrick.t.anderson
- [X] _Status IM_: Patrick-T-Anderson
- [X] _github_ : [Patrick-T-Anderson.github.io](http://Patrick-T-Anderson.github.io)
2019-08-15: House Party
2019-08-15: tg.me/DAO-Legal
I wonder about a variation where we sell coins to buy large pieces of farmland (10-100 acres) to create privately-owned cities, and where each coin represents real ownership in some arbitrary amount (let's say one-square-foot) of land.
Could we create a stablecoin *backed by real land* that we could use to live and build a new city without paying rent?
2019-08-15: DAO Food Sovereignty
We can sell part of the coins for "plain old money" to buy land and startup tools, with each coin priced to *also include* the fact the DAO will be selling the rest of the coins for commitments of future work required for the initial setup and the first round of production.
Even before production begins, workers are 'paid' with the property that protects them from paying profit.
Those who commit and qualify to work somewhere in DAOLand receive a coin representing real property ownership in the physical sources required for the production they must have, such as food, housing, clothing, etc. under the full dominion of each group and without the many penalties of late purchase.
Profits might be high when surplus is sold.
If some is treated as that payer's investment,
users gain access to Sources to insure "User Freedom" in the physical realm.
It seems like this should localize control for each group since, as consumers are 'onboarded' simply because they overpaid for a slice of pizza, they receive *eventual* ownership in the land and tools and seeds, etc. required to make a *future* slice of pizza from a chain of production under their ownership.
2019-08-15: pad.disroot.org/p/DAOfoodnotes
2019-08-12: Less than $30k/acre at DonnerLand.com/listings/cougar-rock
2019-08-12: t.me/sovereignfooddao or Web.Telegram.org/#/im?p=@sovereignfooddao
If we can crack the code on ethics (see the GNU GPL for hints),
owning land in groups will allow us to regain control of production
of the goods and services we must have, and must otherwise beg from
corporations and governments who seem to have their own agendas.
For example:
191.2 acres for $5,500,00 USD at LandAndFarm.com/property/Dietrich_Ranch-9245836
191 acres = 8,319,960 square feet
If each ft² sold for $1, we have $8,319,960 USD to buy the property IRL.
2019-08-12: Facebook.com/groups/LVTGame
2019-08-10: Owocki.com >>The World as Perpetual Beta
[[rewritten for github.com/ethberlinzwei/Find-A-Team/issues/23]]
2019-08-07: ■□▢▣▤▥▦▧▨▩
Each □ represents 1 ft² of real land.
The □ DAO is fed real-estate listings.
For each parcel,
for every 1 ft²,
the DAO mints 1 □
Some □ must be auctioned for $ to pay for land and tools.
These □ vest as production is completed.
Remainder is auctioned for future work to secure that labor.
These □ vest as that work is completed.
For each work unit,
Payout of □ increases as funding end-date approaches.
In some cases, auction must end before action begins.
To insure the health and safety of all participants,
Each worker must be allow immediate access to enough □
required to maintain a Basic Outcome of food, shelter, etc.
For each parcel,
once all □ are sold,
land and tools are purchased,
production begins!
User-Driven Continuous Funding replaces
the representation and tax+vote routine.
We will use property ownership to pre-allocate products
to those who knew they would need them
and could pay with work or $.
You will fund a specific orchard
when you want that kind of fruit.
We will own a land flowing with milk and honey
when we finally own the land, cattle and bees!
2019-08-07: Medium.com/giveth/introducing-the-commons-stack-scalable-infrastructure-for-community-collaboration-6886eb97413e >>continuous funding through membership investment, and in return offering common ownership and shared decision making in the use of those funds for effective realization of community goals.
Let's combine "decision making" with "funding" to create a User-Driven system.
Each citizen both "pays taxes" and "votes" on how they are spent by simply funding the products they want.
Later, as more property ownership 'settles' into the hands of consumers,
most funding will be paid by applying work somewhere else in the system.
We can crowdfund the acquisition of farmland and tools
to build the the Basic Outcome we each require,
and so lay the foundation of a GNU society.
Imagine ▦Coin as a semi-fungible stable coin,
each representing restricted access to 1 ft² of real property.
Auction starting at $1 USD to fund $43,560 per acre of land.
A User-Driven Continuous Funding model
could replace some of the tax+vote routine.
Take a walk.
Now look at the ground.
For each square, who is the owner?
I don't own any. Do you?
They told me I owned
but I only just owed.
The mortgage (death grip)
uses property against users.
If own INPUTS because we need OUTPUTS,
product ownership can be preallocated.
Just as the owner of a single chicken owns all the
work, entertainment, eggs and meat it provides,
we could own flocks in groups to never buy again.
2019-08-07: https://medium.com/@jeffemmett
2019-08-06: git clone https://github.com/FEMBusinessModelsRing/web3_revenue_primitives.git
2019-08-06: ▦Coin use Targeted Continuous Funding to replace most of taxation and voting.