2020-03-29: GNX -- Pronounced "new" or "next" depending on context.
Consumers buy Product Tickets🎫 to fund that production without debt.
Workers become Source Title▦ owners as they complete Work Agreements📃.
The owner of Sources is the automatic owner of those future products.
2020-03-26: "'Children dying of pellagra must die because a profit cannot be taken from an orange.'" -- The Grapes of Wrath
Scarcity rewards owners as profits increase
so we limit production and lock🔒 solutions away.
Permaculture could have restored abundance long ago,
but what economic key⚿ could enable that production?
Is there any other value investors might accept?
2020-03-25: Docs.google.com/presentation/d/1YhS62BjTgfj3LKMKqPK0PKirkXykIrGhg7-0Ksw3N9Y
We will raise forests of food on undeveloped land
to supply a Free as in Freedom basic outcome.
We will sell Future Products to buy the
Sources required for that production.
Workers become owners as they
complete that production.
2020-03-23: Earth-Regenerators.MN.co/posts/5567767 >> If this fund initially had $10 million and the money was used to purchase 100 parcels of degraded land, there would need to be agreements about how each parcel is managed while also aggregating the regenerative impacts across all 100 parcels.
2020-03-22: "'Christ's miracle with the loaves and fishes produced the first open-source sandwich.'" -- NewLeftReview.org/issues/II15/articles/julian-stallabrass-digital-commons.pdf
2020-03-21: As I watched "Lessons of the Loess Plateau", I was stunned by the villagers recounting "'there was no food'" even while spending working nearly every waking hour.
2020-03-21: We can hold property and promises For Good to insure Future Production.
2020-03-15: YAO Growth Timeline:
1 Issue and sell Product Tickets🎫, representing future products, to gather the money.
2 Use that money to buy the Sources {land and startup supplies} required for that production.
3 Issue Source Titles▦ representing property ownership in those Sources.
4 Issue Work Agreements📃 representing the work required for that production.
5 Offer Source Titles▦ in exchange for Work Agreement📃 signatures✍.
6 Vest Source Title▦ ownership to workers as that production is completed.
7 Deliver goods and services to Product Ticket🎫 holders.
8 Sell surplus Product Tickets🎫 to buy even more Sources.
2020-03-15: Sell Future Goods to buy and own Sources For Good.
Copyleft🄯 uses Copyright© to require users gain source access;
solving part of the rent problem within the realm of software.
For hardware we need ways to:
. Plan Future Products (recipies for production).
. Sell Future Products to buy Sources without debt.
. Buy Sources (titles over land, water, tools, etc).
. Sign work agreements (labor contracts).
2020-03-12: MMacs - Material Macros - An editor to design, model, prototype, fund and produce physical goods and services.
2020-03-11: a-Qube.io
2020-03-11: Another Name: Future Products
Crowd-Owned UBI
Built on Permacultured land
we will buy without debt
by trading #FutureProducts
for the money and work
required to build and maintain
the few critical goods and services
which represent a #BasicOutcome.
Personal property enables privacy.
Public property enables production.
You might say profit measures property misallocation.
Consider: When you own 🐝s for 🍯, there is no sale.
When consumers own sources, they own all future products.
2020-03-10: Answering Common.is
New Name: GNU Solutions
Motto: Focus capitalism on consumer needs by increasing user-owned property held For Product.
2020-03-10: 🤔
2020-03-07: github.com/kitao/pyxel
Where the hell are the tiny robots
to steam-clean the floors and walls?
Also must steam wash dish and cloth.
2020-03-07: Ball-Bot
Rethinking the old virtual presence concept
as an overly soft robot with a video screen.
The puzzle feels more real
when tokens point at value.
2020-03-06: OpenCollective.com
2020-03-06: Medium.com/@stephenrwalli/sustaining-open-source-software-4a62a4b6d0f3
2020-03-04: Earth-Regenerators.mn.co/posts/5321170