2020-04-30: DOCS.IPFS.io/reference/api/cli
The problem is
"'the vast majority of improper payments ... [are to people who] continue to claim benefits after they return to work up until they receive their first paycheck.'"
2020-04-28: 🔥 Supply Chain
2020-04-28: "'... designed to enable farmers to get a reasonable return while stabilizing the supply of agricultural products to Canadian consumers.'" -- Wikipedia.org/wiki/Supply_management_(Canada)
2020-04-26: CoinLand is another name - blah blah.
PREBOOT (1/4):
Mint Product Tickets🎫 representing the future production of goods and services.
Mint Work Agreements📃 representing the human INPUTS required for that Production.
Mint Source Titles▦ representing all other INPUTS required for that Production.
BOOT (2/4):
Sell Product Tickets🎫 for $ to buy the Sources (land and tools).
"Sell" Source Titles▦ in exchange for Work Agreement📃 signatures.
Once all Product Tickets🎫 are sold, buy the Sources and begin production!
SETUP (3/4):
Workers receive immediate access to Sources required to wash, eat and rest.
Source Titles▦ vest to the workers who deliver those goods and services.
Product Ticket🎫 hodlers are repaid with the first round of production.
RUN (4/4):
Source Titles▦ are held #ForProduct to ensure that future production.
Those who own Source Titles▦ own those #FutureProducts without sale.
Sharing Sources and trading Work enables productive sovereignty.
2020-04-23: Wikipedia.org/wiki/Principles_of_Political_Economy
2020-04-20: "'service periods ∆'" SweetBridge.com/assets/docs/WP-Sweetbridge-Discount-Tokens.pdf
2020-04-20: Share Sources and Swap Skills For Product to weave a web of trust.
2020-04-19: Thinking of Silvio Gessel ...
Commodity monies such as Product Tickets🎫
have a natural decay as each instance rots.
#GameB Timeline:
Issue and sell "Product Tickets🎫" to buy Sources without debt.
Issue "Source Titles▦" representing fractional Source ownership.
Vest Source Titles▦ to workers as they complete that production.
These special worker+owners hold Source Titles▦ "For Product".
"Sources" include all the land, tools, organisms and startup supplies we need to begin a pilot project.
The "For Product" model ensures the future production of goods and services using a set of legal agreements enforced by:
Private Property: Source Titles▦ represent micro-ownership in land.
Contract Law: Work Agreements📃 represent commitments of future labor.
Subscriptions: Product Tickets🎫 represent Future Production.
The first round-of-production is delivered to "Product Ticket🎫" holders.
Afterward, Source Titles▦ owners are the owners of all future production.
The supply chain requires
Sources and Skills as usual,
but less selling at each step.
|Supply Chain Timeline|
|Sources=\|/=Goods |
| X |
|Skills =/|\=Services |
2020-04-18: InvestingInRegenerativeAgriculture.com/framework-behind-investing-in-regenerative-agriculture
2020-04-17: Contracts, money, property, agreements are pen-locks🔏?
2020-04-17: ReportBack.NewNormal.Earth
2020-04-17: SeedBed.io
2020-04-17: Sacred.Capital
2020-04-17: "'Proof of Use: Activating Networks through Encoded Participation'" -- CodeFi.Consensys.net/blog/proof-of-use-activating-networks-through-encoded-participation
2020-04-17: Productive Sovereignty by sharing sources and swapping skills.
2020-04-17: Cables.gl
2020-04-17: Once again with the eco[log|nom]ic gamification:
🤑 Lender/Banker: Meta merchant issues against debt.
👻 Landlord/Owner: A ghost because they are absent.
👷 Worker/Occupier: Work shrinks as 🤖 arrive.
? Properly Owner: Hodl for good.
2020-04-14: Trying to write an OpenLaw version.
2020-04-13: GrassRootsEconomics.org
2020-04-12: Chrono.Tech >>recruit and pay workers.
2020-04-12: Open.Coop/2018/01/25/co-op-coin-ico-look-like >>When we [...] convert digital coins to GBP or USD and spend them on (often finite) resources like land, or building materials, or solar PV – all of which have an environmental impact – we are using up those resources, quicker than we would have been able to do without crypto currencies.
2020-04-10: "'Social Enterprises providing value can receive investment without taking on debt or paying returns in cash.'" -- HackMD.io/@dilgreen/B1Yqh9jLI
2020-04-08: "'Issue purely digital, legal-enforceable assets with no coding necessary.'" -- Medium.com/@OpenLawOfficial/smart-clauses-for-digital-legal-agreements-cc10339684a6
2020-04-05: github.com/c-org/whitepaper >>🏢FAIR
2020-04-05: "'What are the key principles of transition finance for regenerative agriculture?'" -- InvestingInRegenerativeAgriculture.com/transition-finance-series
2020-04-05: EPub.wu.ac.at/7381/1/zargham_shorish_paruch.pdf
2020-04-04: github.com/commons-stack/commons-simulator
Marcin Forum.Jambonaka.ovh/item?id=6
Possible Timeline to a Right Livelihood:
1 Issue Product Tickets🎫 representing future products.
2 Sell these Product Tickets🎫 to buy Sources (land, tools, startup supplies) without debt.
3 Issue Source Titles▦ representing the Sources required for that production.
4 'Sell' these Source Titles▦ for Work Agreements📃 required for that production.
5 Each worker receives access the Sources required for a "Basic Outcome" of products.
6 Product Ticket🎫 holders (funders) are rewarded as that production is completed.
7 Source Titles▦ vest (workers gain real property ownership in those Sources) as they fulfill Work Agreements📃.
8 Source Title▦ holders (Source Owners) own future products without purchase.
8a Those future products have been 'pre-allocated' to those Source owners without sale.
2020-04-04: Wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_games_in_game_theory
2020-04-04: https://github.com/iPlumb3r/EcosystemMapping
2020-04-04: Wikipedia.org/wiki/Man-in-the-middle_attack on the supply chain.
When you sell products before they are created, you receive funding without debt or equity.
#FutureProducts uses ancient #FinanceInnovation to avoid interest-bearing loans.
The #ForProduct model imperfectly insures #FutureProduction through:
1. Property ownership as Source Titles▦.
2. Contract law as Work Agreements📃.
3. Future Products as Product Tickets🎫.
Product Tickets🎫 are sold to buy Sources without debt.
Source Titles▦ are 'sold' for Work Agreement📃 signatures.
Sources vest to workers as Work Agreements📃 are completed.
Users may:
Buy Product Tickets🎫 representing future products. (crowd fund)
Sign Work Agreements📃 to gain Source Title▦ ownership. (work to own)
Sign Work Agreements📃 for other Work Agreement📃 signatures. (trade work)
We will sell #FutureProducts to fund without debt or equity.
We will buy raw land and build #PrivateCities to reclaim the reins.
We will hold that property #ForProduct to avoid profit and rent.
We will trade work early to avoid the usual problems of barter.
2020-04-04: github.com/iPlumb3r/EntangledBootstrap >>
2020-04-04: Law.MIT.edu/pub/rmsllc >>The RMS-LLC explores how technology, law, and design can help solve for value in new ways.
2020-04-03: Future Production
Issue Product Tickets🎫 representing future products.
Sell these Product Tickets🎫 to buy Sources (land, tools, startup supplies) without debt.
Issue Source Titles▦ representing the Sources required for that production.
'Sell' these Source Titles▦ for Work Agreements📃 required for that production.
Each worker receives access the Sources required for a "Basic Outcome" of products.
Product Ticket🎫 holders (funders) are rewarded as that production is completed.
Source Titles▦ vest (workers gain real property ownership in those Sources) as they fulfill Work Agreements📃.
Source Title▦ holders (Source Owners) own future products without purchase.
Those future products have been 'pre-allocated' to those Source owners without sale.