2019-05-29: LocalTokens.info >>Localisation aims to reduce the out-flow and re-balance the flow of local economic value, the ‘leaky bucket’, by increasing the re-circulation of money through the preference for local trade and investment.
2019-05-29: Responding to mouyou at DiscordApp.com/channels/580344686431043584
>> 1. so first stage is crowdinvesting where people invest money in a project (company) to get ownership of this company.
They receive ownership but for a very strange reason compared to a regular company.
Under the For Product model you own because you need the results.
You would invest in a dairy because you want milk, not because you hope to sell the milk to others at a price above cost.
Using the For Product model, owners receive the product (milk in this case) for exactly the costs of production and profit simply does not exist because the final transaction of consumer purchase has been eliminated.
>> 2. stage is workers apply for jobs and in return they receive a salary? and shares in the company?
Every worker is also consumer.
Under the For Product model, workers do not receive a monetary wage, but instead receive ownership in the sources required to produce the goods and services they need.
#2 requires a "Production Arena" of minimum complexity required to supply all critical goods and services such as (food, water, shelter, sanitation, etc.).
This is because the worker in a dairy must receive ownership in a wide variety of sources to ensure the production of all the critical goods and services he needs.
Workers in the For Product system are actually just consumers paying with work.
For example, if you commit to work in the dairy, you don't necessarily receive any ownership in the dairy; instead you receive portions of ownership in the sources of all the goods and services you indicate you will want in the future.
Work in this system is treated as a problem to be reduced, making automation and robots "ok" since each investor (whether investing with money or with work) really just wants the results and has no need to perpetuate work.
The DAO calculates the amount of human labor required to build and operate a dairy (or is fed this info by humans) and then increases the selling price to compensate those workers with their own CityCoins.
We can eliminate token-passing for predictable goods by using property ownership in the sources of production to "pre-allocate" goods to the consumers who need them.
Just as the owner of a single cow does not buy milk from himself, when you own shares in a "For Product" dairy you own that same % of that future milk without purchase.
You would buy just enough the dairy required to create approximately the amount of milk you predict you will need and then accept the milk itself as the natural return on that investment.
No money is needed because the final transaction of consumer purchase has been eliminated.
The price each pays as a consumer is exactly the costs each paid as a co-owner and profit does not exist.
We can also eliminate token-passing for predictable services by using promises from workers to achieve future solutions.
This creates a sort of insurance that removes the usual desire to perpetuate work since workers are “paid” just so the solution is achieved.
Trading promises early incents automation and long-term solutions.
The dentist, mechanic and doctor want your teeth, car and body to be perfect so they can relax.
2019-05-24: Forum.Aragon.org/t/how-to-make-proposals-to-the-community-funding-dao/697
>> Create a new thread here in the Community section of the forum titled “Funding proposal: lorem ipsum yadda yadda”.
>> Add the tag funding-dao to the post.
>> Put the content of your proposal in the first post on the thread. What you plan to do with the funds, what the specific deliverables are, when you plan to deliver them, etc. Discourse keeps a changelog of edits, but even so if you make changes to your proposal make a note of where and when changes are made for transparency’s sake, so ANT holders can follow along with the evolution of the proposal.
>> Give people a couple of weeks to discuss the proposal. If comments are generally supportive, then you can create a transfer from the Finance app of the DAO paying yourself to complete the deliverables in the proposal. Put a link to your proposal’s forum thread in the reference field of the transfer so people know what the transfer is for.
>> Bonus: start doing work on the proposal deliverables before you make the Finance transfer, and share your progress in your proposal thread so ANT holders can tell you are serious. You’re probably more likely to have the proposal approved than if you haven’t contributed anything yet.
2019-05-23: Pitch deck tips:
First slide should be minimal to build suspense
9 slides, each max 3 sections
1 Problem to be solved
2 Our proposed solution
3 How it works:
Procurement: crowd fund
Management and Governance: crowd control, % votax, work commitments
Ecologic Model: Permaculture
Economic Model: For Product
Value Propositions: Customer, Worker, Investor
4 Competitive Analysis/Differentiators:
6 Timeline and Milestones
7 Team Members
2019-05-22: Rewording the For Product model.
2019-05-22: An older explanation: AGNUcius.github.io/social%20sufficiency%20coalition.htm
2019-05-20: Pioneer -- Facebook.com/job_opening/1249675101854603
Business Model:
Sell future products to buy the sources of production.
Then offer these sources for future work commitments.
And so acquire land, capital and labor without debt.
Hold this property For Product to stablize the system.
You agree to work in the future in return for:
1. The land, organisms and tools you need to wash, eat and sleep.
2. Others working for you in the future. [[Optional but recommended]]
You will be among the first workers to help setup camp,
begin construction of the first shared structures,
install and tend flora, fauna, fungi in a perma+aqua+culture way.
During the bootup phase we might be sleeping in tents, using composting toilets, little hot water, only first aid, only shared cooking.
The owners of sources are the owners of all the potential production of those sources.
You own the honey when you own the hives.
Current Location:
Work Authorization:
Phone Number:
Date of Birth: Month and Day
University Name & Passed out year of your highest Education:
Expected Rate/ Salary
Currently on a project:
Willingness to relocate across US:
Expertise & Skills Sets:
Total IT Experience in Years:
Relevant Experience:
Available to join from:
LinkedIn URL:
Time for Telephonic/Skype Interview:
2019-05-15: SharedAssets.org.uk >>MAKING LAND WORK FOR EVERYONE We are a think and do tank that supports people managing land for the common good.
2019-05-14: KickStarter.com/help/handbook/your_story?ref=pbuild_basics
>> Who are you?
>> Introduce yourself, your team, and any similar work you’ve done (show some examples!).
>> What are you planning to make?
>> The more details, the better. Sketches, samples, prototypes — it all helps backers get as excited as you are.
>> Where did this project come from?
>> Tell people how you got the idea, and how much you’ve accomplished so far. Sharing the project’s history helps others understand the kind of work you do, and how you go about it.
>> What’s your plan, and what’s your schedule?
>> Lay out a clear, specific timeline for what backers can expect.
>> What’s your budget?
>> A simple breakdown lets people know you’ve thought things through and have a workable plan, so they can trust you to use funds wisely.
>> Why do you care?
>> Tell people why you’re passionate about your project and committed to making it happen.
2019-05-14: Source Titles sold at $1/ft² supply $42,650/acre to buy the land, tools and work (workers are paid with Source Titles, never directly with $).
2019-05-14: Challenge.AirTime.com:2324/instructions
2019-05-14: github.com/XYOracleNetwork/tool-dapper-react >>A react page generator given your Smart Contract's ABI. Test/play with your smart contracts in a convenient local setup.
2019-05-14: The Proof-of-Source DAO issues and sells Source Titles to acquisition finite assets such as land, water rights, physical tools radio spectrum, etc.
2019-05-13: OpenCollective.com >>Are you a developer who believes in supporting open and welcoming communities? Open Collective is open source (MIT License) so anyone can contribute code or report issues publicly. Our goal is to provide all communities around the world the software that they need to operate as open and transparent collectives. We want to enable them to thrive in the same way that WordPress enabled millions of blogs to exist.
2019-05-13: StephenHinton.org/2019/05/06/what-exactly-about-capitalism-means-it-extracts-and-exploits
2019-05-12: Published a description of the For Product model at Medium.com/@Patrick.T.Anderson/for-product-b278bcfe8aec
2019-05-11: FuturistPlayground.org/abundance-based-community-developments >>Abundance-Based Community Developments (ABCDs) are intentional communities that meet all human needs as efficiently as present technology allows in order to provide a regenerative, enriching, and highly fulfilling environment. Inhabitants have permanent access to healthy food, shelter, and ample opportunities to learn, play, socialize and explore without the burden of unfulfilling or unsafe jobs, exchange, structural violence, or pollution. All of this is possible with today’s scientific understanding of technology and systems design.
2019-05-10: Coconut-Lang.org >>Simple, elegant, Pythonic functional programming.