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2020-07-31: SpaceDeck.com whiteboard / blackboard

2020-07-29: WeQuest.it

2020-07-29: CodeSandBox.io

2020-07-29: SolidProject.org

2020-07-29: Land Plan

A coin backed by 3 values

Obverse shows:
0. A *projected* quantity and quality of some Future Product.

Reverse shows:
1. Property ownership in the Land required for that production.
2. Promises of Future Work required for that production.

Sell Future Products to crowdfund Land without debt.
Vest Land to workers who make those Future Products.

2020-07-26: Partner with SantaCruzPermaculture.com

Open Source Production:
1. Users buy Future Products to drive that production.
2. That funds land *without debt* for permaculture production.
3. Workers receive Future Products *and land* as they complete work.
4. Each land owner accepts Future Products as the natural ROI.

2020-07-24: "'Land Plan'" -- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ThY990DZowY50sa2Ozwu6JVGpBS9V4-2X3wMjJl2ZSY

2020-07-24: "'The Ledgers of Production'" -- https://docs.google.com/document/d/10o0aVS7hbdiDsW_i2VZSNXIIKvZ9pcLYNZUwpykT0Vg

2020-07-22: How about Future Products for "'recurring revenue'"? -- https://salon.thefamily.co/a-brief-history-of-the-world-of-venture-capital-65a8610e7dc2

2020-07-22: The For Product model could help here!

2020-07-22: Earth Change:
Buy future goods and services to govern the production you need.
Prepay with money to receive goods and services at a later date.
That money buys land without debt to begin permaculture production.
Prepay with work to also receive land ownership as you complete work contracts.
Owners accept future products as the natural return on investment.

2020-07-21: From the perspective of the DAO?
Find land with water, fitness for permaculture, zoning.
Consult local government to meet safety and sanitation codes.
Sell future products to buy land without debt.
Trade that land for work to make those products.
Workers own land to own the products they need.

#1 :
$195000/41.17_Acres ≂ $4737/Acre ≂ 11¢/ft²

$200000 / 16 ≂ $12500/Acre ≂ 29¢/ft²

$149900 / 40 ≂ $3747/Acre ≂ 9¢/ft²

== Alignment

Users vote-with-money or vote-with-work to buy Future Products.
Each group buys the Sources required for that production without debt.
Each group trades those Sources for the Work required for that production.
Use of shared property and permaculture layout considerations.
Shelter must be natural meeting local building codes.
Produce and preserve food, medicine, soap, textiles


Each Source Owner is a Future Product owner of that same amount.
If you own 3% of the hives, you own 3% of the future honey.

Trading work early in time, before production begins, allows us to specialize without passing tokens while also solving the “simultaneous coincidence of wants” problem that faces typical barter.

This creates a real and direct insurance for each good and service produced in this way and inverts the usual incentives of scarcity and destruction toward the natural goals of abundance and permanent solutions.

This contrasts with the regular market where mechanics, plumbers and dentists need customers with broken cars, pipes, teeth to insure tokens continue to flow.

When workers commit early to apply any work needed in the future, they hope you never have any trouble at all, since they have received your commitments either way.

Work is returned to it’s natural position as a problem to minimize instead of being a confused as goal itself.

Automation and robots can be used to safely reduce work in this scenario because each group only wants the results.

A guild system could train and test workers and protect owners by insuring quality levels and spreading fulfillment risks across many workers.

== Startup
Estimate the quantity and quality food, housing, sanitation, clothing, basic health-care, child care, transportation, etc. needed to support on-site workers.

Estimate the Sources and Skills needed for that production and issue ESTs representing those Sources.

== Strategy
Attract middle-income Consumers to pre-pay for organic goods and services.

Use part of the funds to buy cheap agricultural land without mortgage.
Use part of the funds to buy tools, plants, animals, water rights.
Use part of the funds to buy 'startup' needs of workers such as tents, bulk food, used clothing, first-aid materials, etc.

Attract Workers to build and operate the infrastructure by providing a "Basic Outcome" that covers all of: housing, utilities, transportation, food, water, medicine, clothing, basic health care, child-care, education, - eventually all the things the current corporations and governments fail to achieve.

Occupy that land with tents to begin planting and building.
If we qualify as non-profit we might avoid property taxes.

If you want the studio apartment, 3 minute showers, and very simple meals, you will not need to commit very much of your future labor.

If you want a 3-bedroom house, shares in a fancy clubhouse and more elaborate meals, you will need to commit more of your future labor (or more valuable labor) in order to compensate others for the extra work and land and tools required for that production.

For example, if you like milk and honey, then you will eventually want co-ownership in cattle and bees and all other property such as land, barns, food crops, tools, etc. used to house and feed those organisms, and the things needed to create *those* inputs, recursively, through the entire tree of production.

Hybrid Option: Pay % of profit to 'regular' investors when selling surplus.

== Workflow
Vision of a future product is proposed.
Engineering constraints are enforced to find a realistic implementation or variation.
The scale and level of vertical integration are estimated, balancing more immediate needs with longer term goals.
A 'recipe' for that production is written, listing the required Sources and Skills.
Future products are sold to purchase the land and tools.
The land and tools are offered as payment for that work.

Once we have all the commitments of Sources and Skills, we can begin production.

"Dental Ensurance" requires co-ownership in the land and capital needed to perform dentistry combined with promises of future labor from a qualified Dentist to fix your teeth in return for you working on his behalf somewhere else in the city, or on behalf of somebody else who will work on his behalf, and so on, to any depth.

Promising to work *before* production begins allows us to trade Labor between ourselves and never need to trade oranges with apples, since the co-owner of sources is the owner of that % of product even *before* it is produced.  This is "Predictive Barter" - where sources and skills are used to preallocate products to those who will consume them.

A functional Earth Change system will require enough "Horizontal Diversity" to allow us to 'pay' each other without needing to pass tokens.  For example, after we build a dentist office and buy the tools for simple dental procedures, we must attract or train some people that can operate those tools, and who are willing to commit to do that work for the 'pay' of gaining co-ownership in the property for housing, food, clothing, transportation, sanitation, etc. combined with commitments of others to operate that property for his benefit in return for his fixing their teeth.  Notice this fully replaces traditional insurance.

Vertical Integration increases local sovereignty by reducing the need to gather and spend external tokens. For example, we might buy feed for our chickens and cattle at first, but will also grow those plants to avoid the need to buy in the future.  We won't co-own mines or factories right away, so will just buy off-the-shelf tools while we are 'booting'.

We use property ownership in the INPUTS to "pre-distribute" the OUTPUTS to those who predicted they would need them.

The usual transaction of consumer purchase is eliminated for those owners, for that product.  The price each pays as a consumer is exactly the costs each paid as a co-owner and profit is undefined since the final sale does not occur - it has been imputed.

Each source owner is a product owner in that same amount.

Owners may sell surplus, and profit should be collected to inhibit middle-men, but some percentage of profit must be treated as that payer's investment to insure consumers gain the sources required to also escape usury.

To increase utilization, Product Tickets could be designed to automatically enter auction and be sold before expiration.

Each owner must periodically cross-commit the inputs required for the ongoing costs of production for all of the outputs they expect, else lose some of that ownership to compensate other co-owners for those costs.

For example, each co-owner of a dentist office must cross-commit Sources or Skills needed to keep the office operational.

This usually just means you will commit to work somewhere in the system to buy the products you need, with the DAO resolving all the details about the sources and skills required for that production.

Products that are not yet produced on-site must be purchased from external vendors while we also try to buy the sources of those products to vertically integrate and move closer toward productive sovereignty.

For example, we might buy feed for cattle and chickens at first,
but would also start growing those plants to localize that production.

The initial boot-up phase may require workers live in tents as they build the first permanent structures and prepare cafeteria meals from bulk purchases until the agriculture is productive enough.

We can eventually grow all the inputs required for food, soap, cloth, medicine, and building materials on site, but this could take years for some products so initially must buy off-the-shelf solutions for sanitation, shelter, food, clothing, first-aid, etc.

== Potential Partners:
OneCommunityGlobal.org >>FOR THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL
Geoff Lawton of GeoffLawtonOnline.com
Marcin Jakubowski of OpenSourceEcology.org
Rob Hopkins of Transition-Lab.org
Richard Stallman of Stallman.org


ManyVer.se >>A social network off the grid


== Private Cities

== Virtual/Gamification

Employment portal for workers to learn, test and qualify for jobs and eventually sign Work Bonds.
Housing portal to find a place to live on-site.
Customer portal for those buying future and surplus products.
For hybrid: Investment portal for traditional investors seeking profit.
Donation portal for those who just want us to help without return.
Education portal to store and recall video, audio, images, text.

Instead of representation, governance is direct control through commitments of property or promises toward public works (parallel, semi-continuous crowdfunding campaigns).

191.2 acres for $5M USD at LandAndFarm.com/property/Dietrich_Ranch-9245836
191 acres = 8,319,960 square feet
about 60 cents per square foot

2020-07-11: KickStarter.com/projects/freefarm/1058045561


Back to the island for a moment...

Imagine just one edible plant and three stages in that supply chain:

And only 3 humans: a Farmer, a Miller and a Baker.

2020-07-10: -todo

2020-07-08: WholePersonEconomy.com >>

2020-07-08: terran.io "'A community of care and practice building systems and tools for a regenerative future    We are technologists, community organizers, entrepreneurs, activists, and artists working for the greatest good of all beings. We amplify cooperation among people working to regenerate our communities and our planet. We do this by building systems and tools that foster trust and collaboration, starting in the Bay Area bioregion.'"

2020-07-08: "'Future Productions'" KickStarter.com/projects/freefarm/1058045561

Imaginary parcels in places such as (the very amazing) DecentraLand.org are far more expensive than much of the undeveloped land IRL.  I see land 100 miles from San Francisco far less than $1/ft.
We will buy raw land and then use large-scale ecosystem restoration to build permacultured private micro-cities fully owned and controlled by each of those semi-sovereign groups.

2020-07-07: A walled garden

statement of intent:
model features:
plan of action:
funding strategy: Crowdfund to avoid debt.
reflective onboarding:
list of materials:

2020-07-07: Wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutual_credit

2020-07-07: We can constrain Source Ownership to enable Free as in Freedom production.

2020-07-07: ErgodicityEconomics.com

2020-07-07: github.com/ic3network/mccs >>The mutual credit communication system (MCCS) is a web application that enables a network of trusted individuals and businesses to pay each other without the need for conventional money.

2020-07-07: Co-Design: github.com/spacedeck

2020-07-06: Want to work with CrowdSupply.com/mnt to build GNUBook to compete with ChromeBooks, and also gnuhub.com to compete wih github.com

2020-07-06: Maybe use 'snap' or 'flatpack' package managers on ChromeOS.

2020-07-06: Looking at some video editors:

2020-07-06: CreditCommons.net/credit-commons.pdf
"'The credit commons is an open protocol for community currency groups
to make multilateral exchange agreements. The protocol handles reading
and writing to ledgers where each ledger has a unit of account, a group of
accounts, and some rules. Each group decides its own accounting rules.'"

2020-07-04: git clone https://github.com/spartacusrex99/Minima

2020-07-02: Rewritten
Imagine 100 people on a tiny island of 1000 Acres.
In a few generations, space could be getting tight.
If someone invents a money to help us trade,
what do you hope that money is "backed by",
and when or how should it be "issued"?

2020-07-02: Working with Pete of Minima Protocol