p 0x51209A17Bfa079d345532f799d9C77F73d28cbFE
d 0x20A1106710F17ac0C99FaB7B0b8Fd8F91e014905
a 0x1d191eaFB020f7ED17DA78F79F72B8B00CaCDa03
h 0xF66F5BB2FA3a6Ea5f6f4ed5C55838aCa7321688b
o 0x7fB8F7485BA4144D21648e979D555f9Feac3Da52
i 0xE4b675ee73D7dF1655eeC8d32be9857e2739fc43
OLD way:
Enter into debt to buy the Sources to begin production.
Workers do not gain Source Ownership,
so pay profit for even crucial products such as food and housing.
try to sell product to consumers for more than cost
if not enough interest, dump it in the river
try to payback debt plus interest
GNU way:
pre-sell product to consumers to buy Sources without debt.
If not enough interest, project is canceled or delayed.
Workers gain Source Ownership and so receive crucial products at the real costs of that production.
2019-07-24: ArchChain.cc >>Archchain is a project that encompasses applications of blockchain and distributed ledgers in the design and management of buildings and cities.
2019-07-24: ▦Coin is a new name for a money backed by the property rights and work bonds required to create future products.
2019-07-24: Alchemy.DAOStack.io/profile/0x51209a17bfa079d345532f799d9c77f73d28cbfe
2019-07-23: github.com/AlphaWallet/TokenScript >>The authors of the design paper holds that there is no tangible benefit of using blockchain without tokenisation.
== Timeline
Each subgroup:
Find land for sale suitable for permaculture.
Decide layout of shared structures and paths.
Decide each product type for each shared ft².
Mint one NFT for each ft² of each parcel.
Auction NFTs to fund production without debt.
Buy land, tools, plants and animals, water-rights.
Each subgroup:
Begin building shared structures.
Install plants and animals.
Resolve border disputes, pollution, etc.
2019-07-22: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd7ZXhUzNCOMMGTCO3m2HgKGOJN5uq0oeDfCgJDnFwR8OsFXw
First of all, a big "Thank You!" for all the beauty you create here.
I ran the wizard at dOrg.tech but I don't know how interact with it? 🙄
2019-07-21: Atra.io >>Blockchain development from months to minutes
2019-07-21: Alchemy.DAOStack.io >>
2019-07-21: DAOFest.io >>
$ crew install nodebrew
$ nodebrew install-binary 11
$ nodebrew use 11
$ curl https://npmjs.org/install.sh
$ sh install.sh (will install npm)
$ npm version (should display npm version, might be outdated)
$ npm update npm -g (npm can update itself)
$ npm version (should be latest now)
2019-07-21: "'The key objective of a DAO is value creation or production, and to make that happen, there needs to be a specific linkage between user actions and the resulting effects of those actions on the overall value to the organization.'"
2019-07-21: PlatformValueNow.org >>The Platform Value Now project, funded by Finland’s Strategic Research Council, focuses on understanding the fast emerging platform ecosystems, their value creation dynamics and requirements of the supportive institutional environment.
2019-07-21: HouseParty rinkeby.aragon.org/#/houseparty 0x9C0A1d5d62a0b0DB8aaEFD4b245C8f81F1604092
2019-07-20: rinkeby.aragon.org/#/productfuturesfoundation
2019-07-20: dOrg.tech
Hurray! Your DAO is deployed!
Here are some useful information about it.
Name: ProductFuturesFoundation
Token Name: CityCoin
Token Symbol: CC
Avatar: 0xe4753F6A16E76d8012716E61D9DB175B8C271c73
DAO Token: 0xd9973A3F3db97fAFB4f9Cf18E657E54616608107
Reputation: 0x5B75720eBf9DE4B1A7E7fc2BF040Ef8f8B16CABA
2019-07-20: dOrg.tech
Hurray! Your DAO is deployed!
Here are some useful information about it.
Name: ProductFuturesFoundation
Token Name: EarthChange
Token Symbol: ECT
Avatar: 0xc5fE40662cb692bf6b2489a9B07E8598994f77f9
DAO Token: 0x0EA1F39f6168722DA6E1d2c6Dc3dcE476Fd94F5d
Reputation: 0x86E4e03C4F4A74a86b8DF44c8555d1Bced571961
2019-07-20: Using SkyCocker.github.io/chromebrew to run emacs on Chromebook
2019-07-17: github.com/C-ORG/whitepaper >>people want money!
But in the end they just want goods and services.
2019-07-17: Video conference with Grace Rachmany today.
2019-07-17: Tokenomics by Grace Rachmany of DAOLeadership.com YouTube.com/watch?v=7z7dp2FLwYE >>Utility tokens, security tokens and asset-backed tokens
2019-07-16: C-Org.co >>The current fundraising models impose significant limitations on the mechanisms available to align stakeholders’ interests. A Continuous Organization is a new model designed to make organizations more fluid and more robust by overcoming those limitations. Using the Continuous Organization model, organizations can set themselves in continuous fundraising mode while benefiting from solid and flexible mechanisms to align stakeholders’ interests in their financial success.
#CityDAO uses a subscription funding model to achieve "Public Works".
Instead of collecting taxes and voting, citizens fund what they want.
2019-07-14: DAOTalk.org/t/the-semi-sovereign-dao-a-state-within-an-estate
This DAO attempts to orchestrate the acquisition and management of the Land, Tools and Work required to create and operate a series of permaculture-based private cities.
Potential members buy *subscriptions* of future products by paying with traditional money or with a commitment to work in the future.
These subscriptions are meant to achieve all "Public Works" within the city, including many goods and services not usually supplied by a government such as food and housing.
Instead of taxes and votes, each citizen just funds the production they want and ignores the rest.
The DAO checks local prices for the Land, Tools and Work required to establish that production then issues and auctions Non-Fungible Tokens representing For Product ownership in the Land and Tools (such as land, water-rights, hives, tools, bees, etc.).
Each token also represent that future product at a **projected** quality and rate (such as "One Pint of AA honey each month").
Some tokens are sold for "traditional money" to purchase the Land and Tools.
The rest are sold to Workers who commit to achieve that future production.
Dependence on outside funds is decreased as vertical-integration and circular production systems are established.
2019-07-14: Working on github.com/district0x/district-proposals/issues/new
## **Name**:
Provide a name of the proposed district. Ideally this would also be listed in the issue title/description.
## **Purpose**:
Define a purpose of the proposed district. Try to include a one liner with an additional paragraph if needed.
## **Description**:
Describe how the district should operate in detail. Include relationships between the district and users, tokenholders, and any other parts of the district0x network.
## **Ethereum Address**:
Be sure it is an ethereum address that you control the private key to, tokens sent to an exchange will be lost.
2019-07-14: FirstPrinciple.co >>We help entrepreneurs & corporations create category defining products around the world.
#CityDAO issues and sells Source Titles
to collect the $ and work
to buy the land and tools
to build private cities
owned and operated by those citizens.
Source Titles are deeds of property ownership
over the physical sources of that production.
2019-07-08: FaceBook.com/mbauwens/posts/10161853463010548?comment_id=10161866151130548
Richard Stallman codified part of his answer to this through the GNU GPL trade agreement which allows you to "make money" when selling the *outputs* of production (the product), but requires those consumers gain access to the *inputs* of production (the sources), even when they do not know how to use the sources.
Generalized to the material realm, this strange arrangement would cause consumers to gain ownership in their homes and the farms and factories required to produce all they use.
This means workers would be paid as usual, but 'rentiers' would be inhibited from draining value from the system.
2019-07-07: 100AndChange.org >>We’re ready to fund a single proposal that promises real and measurable progress in solving a critical problem of our time.
2019-07-07: ᗧ··•···ᗣ··
We, the consumers, will soon realize we can buy private property in groups, without debt, to create private cities fully owned and controlled by us to finally supply ourselves with the boring Basic Outcome we need without paying tribute to others.
This will require a rethinking of *who* should own the farms and factories.
Hint: The goal of the GNU GPL is to insure consumer freedom by requiring each consumer gain at-cost access to the Sources of that production.
Once we see that property ownership in Sources (such as an Avocado tree and the land under it) can be used to "pre-allocate" goods and services to those who need them *without sale*, we will also realize this is the only real answer to the 'problem' of automation.
It is the *consumers*, not the *workers* who must own and control the Means of Production to escape the automation apocalypse and finally regain control of the products we use.
Until then we will grovel and beg before the absentee landlords as they stand between us and solutions to perpetuate the profit we have been fooled into believing is the purpose of production...
This DAO is designed to auto-acquisition the Land, Capital and Labor required to create and operate a series of permaculture-based private cities.
The DAO offers a simple web interface for potential members buy *future* products using money or work.
For each product, the DAO calculates all the land, tools, plants, animals and work required for that production, check prices to buy those sources, then issues and auctions FootCoin - each as a Non-Fungible Token representing real property ownership over 1 square foot of land under terms of the For Product model.
The DAO sells half of the FootCoins for "regular old money" to be used to fund the purchase of the Land and Capital.
The DAO sells the other half to workers who commit to achieve future work.
2019-07-04: NewStories.org
2019-07-04: VideoCoin.io
2019-07-03: Portal.Adel.io
For any coin or money:
How fast should it be issued (mined)?
How should [in|de]flation be related to productivity?
A coin backed by property held #ForProduct
would only be issued when buying more property,
so the supply should kinda track future production.
2019-07-02: F6S.com/metacartelaccelerator
2019-07-02: Twitter.com/Patrick_T_Ander/status/1146265023796301825
"'In a metal-based monetary system, there is a natural feedback that helps keep the mining industry from producing too much or too little new money. If the industry produces too much new money, the ensuing inflation of prices and wages will make mining less profitable in real terms, and discourage further investments in mining. If the mining industry does not produce enough new money, the deflation of prices and wages will make mining more profitable in real terms, and encourage further investments in mining.'"
This is a very good point I had not considered.
But, while the production of gold is 'anchored' by the costs of mining,
the amount of gold in a society is a poor estimation of the *effectiveness* of the economy at delivering crucial the goods and services it purports to achieve.
Implement OpenLaw feature upgrades, improvements, and architectural builds
Collaborate with the team to ship major product builds
Provide thoughtful implementation estimates and build functionality that is fast, scalable, and upholds sustainable development goals and principles
Keep our users happy by maintaining the software, troubleshooting, and fixing bugs
Desired Skills
5+ years professional development experience
Experience working within a remote-first and globally distributed team
Experience in API Design (REST or other)
Strong familiarity with functional programming methodologies
Familiar with front-end languages like JavaScript with toolkits like React
Comfortable working on multiple codebases, with the ability to quickly understand new projects and tooling systems
Previous development experience using Scala, Akka, CQRS or Domain Driven Design
High-level understanding of public-private key encryption protocols
Experience with cloud infrastructure (e.g. AWS, Azure)
An active interest or involvement with the broader open source community
2019-07-02: LENS: A human-readable smart-contract language.
2019-07-02: Posted to DiscordApp.com/channels/459281752326799380/459318415723593728
Hey all,
I have been thinking about how to create a DAO that would help groups of people organize to own and control land and water-rights and tools and other things required to create the goods and services they need.
The rough idea is to create a simple web form where customers can buy 'future' products (meaning they pay before the product is created) as a sort of built-in crowdfunding mechanism.
So customers would buy future milk, honey, apples, etc.
And the DAO would (with human help initially) determine the amount of land, cattle and bees and trees that are needed to achieve that production,
Then it would scour real-estate listings to determine the price of all the inputs to set the minimum bid for each Token - where each Token is really more of a Title in that it represents real productive ownership under terms of the For Product business model.
The DAO must also acquisition the work needed for that production,
so I was thinking one way to do that would be to pay workers with these special Title-Tokens.
Consider an overly simplistic example I sometimes call
SquareFootCoin - where each coin is "backed by" (represents real property ownership of) 1 square foot of land.
The square might be part of an Avocado orchard (meaning you own that % of those future Avocados), or maybe part of a housing complex (meaning you own and can live in an apartment there if you own enough of these Titles).
You can read more about the idea at http://product-futures-foundation.github.io/earth%20change.htm